James Jones
James Jones Guildford Borough Councillor for Onslow James Jones is 24 years old and recently moved to Guildford. He is keen to bring a fresh perspective and represent younger voices in our…
James Jones Guildford Borough Councillor for Onslow James Jones is 24 years old and recently moved to Guildford. He is keen to bring a fresh perspective and represent younger voices in our…
Steven Lee Guildford Borough Councillor for Onslow Steven Lee is an Onslow resident but in 2019 was asked to stand as a Borough Council Candidate in Merrow where he was duly elected. Highlights…
Catherine Houston Guildford Borough Councillor for Shalford Catherine Houston moved to Guildford just before Christmas 2001 with her family, then to Shalford twelve years ago. She works locally…
Dominique Williams Guildford Borough Councillor for Shalford Dominique Williams was born and raised in Guildford and has lived in the area with her husband and family for the past six years. She…
Tom Hunt Guildford Borough Councillor for St Nicolas Tom Hunt grew up in South-East London and studied at Durham and Birmingham Universities, before moving to Surrey in 1993 for a job based on…
Steve Hives Guildford Borough Councillor for Stoke Steve Hives is a resident of Guildford having moved here in 2007 and his son attends a local school. He works with the NHS both locally and…
Vanessa King Guildford Borough Councillor for Stoke Vanessa King has been a resident of Guildford since seeing the light and moving from Woking in 2017. Vanessa feels fortunate to live in the…
Cait Taylor Guildford Borough Councillor for Stoke Cait Taylor is working hard to improve road safety for everyone across our area. Working with colleagues on Surrey County Council, she has…
Lizzie Griffiths Guildford Borough Councillor for Stoughton North Elizabeth (Lizzie) Griffiths, who stood in the 2023 council elections, has also stood in Guildford several times before, winning…
Gillian Harwood Guildford Borough Councillor for Stoughton North Gill Harwood is a local small business owner, who has been a councillor here for over 16 years. She has a strong record of…