Working with residents to ensure a greener future for Guildford Borough
Climate change is having a major impact on our planet. That is why Liberal Democrats on Guildford Borough Council have led the way locally by declaring a 'Climate Emergency' and set the ambitious goal of becoming a net zero carbon borough council by 2030.
Our action so far...
- Declared a climate emergency and adopted an ambitious action plan to make the council net carbon zero by 2030.
- Rewrote planning policies to require the best possible sustainability from new developments.
- Obtained one of the highest recycling rates in the UK.
- Launched a Sustainable Business Network to help local businesses cut their carbon emissions.
- Operate multiple award-winning parks and green spaces, and committed to eliminating the use of harmful pesticides.
- Created air quality management areas in Guildford, Shalford and Compton.
- Installing EV charging points across the borough and working to cut traffic congestion - we're doing this through projects such as the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and Shaping. Guildford's Future which include looking at ways to improve traffic flow.

Our commitment for the next four years...
- Find the funding to deliver our climate change plan and to support the transition to net zero in the borough as a whole.
- Launch a new e-bike hire scheme for Guildford and Shalford by the end of 2023.
- Develop a new borough-wide infrastructure plan for walking and cycling.
- Continue to improve air quality, including with a clean air zone in the town centre and a grant scheme to help local businesses switch to electric vans to cut air pollution on the A3.
- Respond to the biodiversity crisis through re-wilding and eliminating the use of pesticides.
- Oppose sewage dumping in the River Wey and other local water courses.