PETITION - On Street Parking in Surrey
The Conservative Surrey County Council is currently planning to increase on-street car parking in many towns and villages in Surrey.
The Conservative Surrey County Council is currently planning to increase on-street car parking in many towns and villages in Surrey.
It is a sad indictment, that the actions of the ruling Conservative group at Waverley Council do not match their rhetoric when it comes to providing affordable homes in the Borough. In the final…
Residents will be disappointed to learn that Prime Minister Cameron's vision of support for the "Big Society" has not filtered down to his colleagues at Waverley. Although Waverley boasts of its own…
Following the decision by the call in meeting of Surrey County Council's 'Safer and Stronger Communities' Select Committee to ask the Council's Conservative Cabinet to look again at proposals to ask…
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council are demanding answers as to why a new job is being created in the Youth Service, paying nearly £75,000 for a one year contract, when the service is reducing…
There are 3964 applicants on Guildford's Housing Registers, in need of affordable rented or low-cost shared-ownership homes, an increase of 361 in three years. Yet Guildford Borough Council has…
Liberal Democrat Borough Councillors have condemned the Conservatives' rejection oftheir budget proposals as a missed opportunity to improve services whilst still freezingcouncil tax. At the…
On Thursday Liberal Democrats called for Guildford Borough Council to cut the cost of senior management and consultants and spend the money on improving front line services instead. They wanted to…
The Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council have called on the Conservative administration at County Hall to borrow from growing reserves to tackle the short term funding shortfall for essential…