Zöe shares her thoughts on the Wisley public inquiry.

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate speaks out as Wisley public inquiry moves to hear public representations.
On 10th July Guildford Borough Council’s Planning Committee refused the Wisley development. The decision was unanimous, with councillors from all parties highlighting planning concerns relating to local road capacity, its lack of environmental sustainability, and unsuitable housing density. The same meeting also heard representations from local residents concerned about similar issues.
However, Wisley developer Taylor Wimpey appealed to the Government Planning Inspector even before the Planning Committee voted on the application.
Speaking as the Planning Inspector is due to start hearing public statements on Wednesday 18th October, Liberal Democrat Zöe Franklin shared her views on the proposed Wisley development:
“I firmly believe that we need more homes. Guildford has a council housing waiting list of 2,000 individuals and families, renters of all ages are struggling to find places to rent at an affordable price, and key workers including teachers and nurses cannot live a reasonable distance from their places of work. It is clear that there is a problem. However, housing must come with the highway, transport, health, education and other infrastructure to support it and be environmentally sustainable for the long term.
“I fully agree with local residents and Guildford’s Planning Committee that the Wisley proposal falls woefully short on all these. We are now faced with the possibility that a Government Planning Inspector may overturn that local decision made by those who understand the area and its needs. This is unacceptable. I am particularly surprised to learn that Surrey County Council has indicated they have no concerns regarding highway proposals for the site. The county council appears to be in denial and they must be aware of the fact that their stance on highways increases the likelihood of the application being allowed at appeal.
“It is clear to me that the current planning system is broken. It puts the profits of developers ahead of the needs of communities. That is no surprise when 10% of donations to the Conservative party since 2010 have come from property developers, real estate tycoons and others connected with the construction industry.
“I sincerely hope that the Planning Inspector will uphold the decision of Guildford’s Planning Committee when the inquiry comes to a close in late November.”
P.S - The Conservatives have received £40 million in donations from the development and construction industry since 2010 according to The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/oct/04/at-least-one-tenth-tory-donations-since-2010-property-industry