PRESS RELEASE: Surrey Council Council Liberal Democrats call on Council to invest in tackling road safety problems across the county
The Lib Dems on Surrey County Council are proposing an amendment to the Council's budget to invest in tackling road safety problems across the county.
Recognising that there is huge frustration in communities about the difficulties in getting road safety schemes funded in a timely manner, the Lib Dems are proposing a Road Safety Fund to ensure that local communities can get the speed signs, crossings or other safety measures which many residents call for. Where there is local support, 20 mph zones, could also be introduced using this potential Road Safety Fund.
All over Surrey, there are requests for road safety improvements, the Council's Local and Joint Committees receive regular petitions calling for junction improvements, cycle lanes and pedestrian crossings, but the Council is unable and unwilling to act on these requests.
Commenting on the budget amendment Lib Dem Deputy Group Leader Cllr Fiona White (Guildford West) said:
"All councillors have highway schemes suggested by residents that would improve road safety. Every year Guildford Joint Committee have to make decisions about a list of those schemes, knowing that the money available to the Committee will only be enough for a few of them. Examples of the Guildford schemes are safe road crossings, reviewing speed limits and traffic calming, including a pelican crossing outside St Joseph's School in my own division. Also, it is clear that a majority of residents would like to see 20's Plenty schemes in their neighbourhoods such as those that Cllr Angela Goodwin has been campaigning for but there is no money available for those either.
I believe that we should use council money to reflect residents' wishes as far as possible. We have shown where the money can come from and I just hope that the Conservative administration will accept our proposal".