Focus on Westborough - Your June Update from Your Local Councillors
Welcome to the first of our new monthly updates on what we've been doing on behalf of residents in Westborough ward and Guildford West recently.
We also want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you for the way that everyone has pulled together to help others get through this difficult time. Over the last few months, it's become clearer than ever that this is an incredibly active and caring community and we are honoured to serve as its councillors.
As a team, our priority is working hard for you and if you have an issue you want to raise with us or some general feedback please do get in touch by emailing
Best wishes,
Julia McShane, James Steel & Fiona White
summer survey
Each year, Guildford Lib Dems run a Summer Survey and we've just launch our one for 2020. We want to work with you to make #Guildford an even better, safer and greener place to live and we want to hear what's important to you. Please take a few minutes to complete it online and then share with friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.
Progress on upgrading Park Barn and Westborough Play areas
After much discussion between Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and Surrey County Council (SCC) there has finally been a breakthrough that will allow for the Park Barn and Westborough Play areas to progress to the next stage. The breakthrough came over a contract between GBC and SCC to allow for the possible play area upgrade on the current King's College Play area (the site is owned by SCC). This will now allow the Parks Department at GBC to move forward on creating new designs for play parks sites in Park Barn and Westborough (further consultation will follow).
Borough Councillor Julia McShane (Lead Councillor for Community) said:
"I was involved with the consultations at the first stage a few months ago and it showed how critical the King's College site was to the overall Park Barn and Westborough Play areas upgrade. I'm pleased that there has been a breakthrough to allow for the possibility of upgrading the current play equipment on the site"
Borough and County Councillor Fiona White said:
"I've been asking questions and talking with the property department team at SCC for some months over the play park site at King's College and stressing the importance of having a speedy resolution to the talks with GBC to allow the community and area to benefit from a new play park. I'm pleased with the breakthrough achieved and look forward to seeing the new designs when published for consultation"
Aldershot Road Allotments
After many years of campaigning by local residents, supported by Westborough councillors, the top of the allotments site at Woodside Road in Westborough is to go back to being allotments. Guildford Borough Council Planning Committee approved the council's own application to return them to their previous use.
The number of people who want allotments has increased over the last few years. Releasing the top part of the site will help to reduce the waiting list and will give more families a chance to spend time outdoors and to grow their own fresh vegetables.
Borough Councillor James Steel (Lead Councillor for Environment) said:
"I was incredibly happy to see the planning committee support the recommendation for approval for the proposed extension for the Aldershot Road allotments. As my written statement to the committee says it will benefit not only the current allotment holders but also new ones and help increase the biodiversity of the area"
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