Stoughton ‘Green Lungs’ project finishes planting
Back in late January, Guildford Borough Council (GBC) finished the planting of a range of new trees and shrubs at Stoughton Recreation Ground. They range from fruit trees, from which the community will be able to pick when ready, and a variety of trees such as Field Maple and Goat Willow.
The plan came out of an initiative from Surrey's Greener Future Design Challenge where Emmanuel Stoughton's Eco Church Group suggested planting at the Recreation Ground. The plan was later picked up by Surrey County Council, the Royal Horticultural Society, the Department of Housing and, Communities and Local Government, and Guildford Borough Council. All these organisations provided grant funding to ensure this important project would go ahead.
The tree planting has a range of aims. These include improving the drainage south of the football pitches, providing extra shading for picnickers, dog walkers and other users of the rec, and as mentioned above providing fruit for community seasonal picking.
A special thanks needs to go to Guildford Liberal Democrat Councillor for Stoughton ward, Pauline Searle, who ensured the project met its conclusion.