Lib Dems speak out against centralisation of local services
Guildford Lib Dems have spoken out against Surrey County Council's decision to remove local control of two essential services that are currently contracted out to the borough council.
Guildford Borough Council (GBC) is responsible for highway verge cutting and weed control as well as on-street parking enforcement, but the county council has recently announced its decision to centralise these services from April 2023. Lib Dem councillors have argued however that the borough council is better placed to tailor services to the needs of residents. Taking back control could be viewed as a power grab by Surrey County Council who insist their motivation is to "ensure consistent approaches across Surrey" as well promoting biodiversity.
Cllr Fiona White (Guildford West) said: "I applaud the proposal to increase biodiversity which I hope will mean more wildflower verges where appropriate, but I am disappointed that Surrey has decided to run things centrally.
"I think that GBC has done a good job of managing both on-street parking and verge cutting based on the needs of local residents. Where is the evidence that the services will be improved by this change both in Guildford and across the county or is this a cost-cutting exercise leading to a reduced service and job cuts?
"I am concerned at the implications of running on-street parking centrally as the funding from that service has historically contributed to Park & Ride services which are so essential to managing traffic and air quality in the town centre. I hope that Surrey County Council will recognise the importance of reducing emissions in Guildford and will use their powers to support the borough council in achieving a cleaner environment."